Any sane person in Miami will tell you that our undying love isn’t reserved for our beaches or endless sunshine. It’s not directed at the usual things cities are proud of, like culture or sports franchises (especially sports franchises).
Any sane person in Miami will say: We’re most proud of our coffee – and our addiction to it.
So we were happy to see WalletHub’s latest study on the best cities for coffee, which puts Miami in the top 10 coffee cities in America. This is just and good.
But wait. Miami is only no. 8? How is this possible? Anywhere you go, you’re within strolling distance of a ventanita, where a hot, strong, insanely sugared beverage awaits you. If you work in an office, someone is brewing up cafecito every hour on the hour. The hard part isn’t finding coffee. It’s not drinking it all day long.
Miami lost out to Seattle, of course, which sits at no. 1, according to WalletHub. When you have a Starbucks every two feet on every street corner, you get to claim supremacy, we suppose. And to be fair, Seattle may not be big on ventanitas, but every shop in Washington state from the corner garage to the lawn statuary store to the gun range has a drive-through espresso lane.
Also, if we lived in a city where the average rent is $100,000 a month* we would need to ingest a lot of caffeine to boost our spirits, too. (*Note: figure may be totally made up.) It may be the only meal they can afford in Seattle.
The rest of the top 10 list: New York; San Francisco; Portland, Oregon; Los Angeles; Chicago; and Washington, DC. are nos. 2-7, with San Diego and Boston at nos. 9 and 10. The only other Florida city to make the top 20 was Tampa at no. 18.
To come to its conclusions, WalletHub looked at the 100 largest cities in the country and compared 14 indicators of a strong coffee culture, including number of coffee shops per capita and average price per pack of coffee. But we think they should have evaluated the following factors that set Miami apart:
Credit: MiamiHerald